Trip Dates: May 5 to 14, 2011
$2650 ppdo
Combine Good Works
and Your Passion for Diving
The children and families of Koro Village, Fiji, have limited access to medical, dental and optometric care, screening and services. Our goal is to bring doctors, dentists, optometrists, nurses and their support staffs to Fiji May 5 to 14, 2011. During our stay each team will conduct four afternoons providing screening and treatment for the village children and family members.
Divers, non-divers, fishermen, nature lovers are all welcome on this mission.
We'll stay at the Matava Eco-Resort. Located on the island of Kadavu, Matava is a secluded, manicured dive resort adjacent the Great Astrolabe Reef, one of the most renowned dive destinations in the Pacific. Our stay will include 10 dives, including the world famous Manta dive. Matava also boasts great deep sea fishing, surfing, sea kayaking and snorkeling.
Read comments from participants on or 2010 trip by clicking HERE.
The 2011 Project Fee includes:Round trip air fare* Los Angeles to Kadavu, Fiji
7 nights lodging
Five days of two-tank dives
All meals at the resort
Transfers from Nadi to the Matava Eco-Resort
The trip does NOT include:
Air Fare to Los Angeles
Souvenirs, gratuities and beverages purchased at the bar.
* Note: Air fare may change until paid in full.
Accommodations will be in Matava's Ocean View bures (bure is a thatched roof dwelling).
Working with a US based 501 c 3 non-profit, a portion of the trip cost may be tax deductible (speak with your accountant).
For those planning to complete open water training dives at the resort, please contact Mark Fischer at HydroSports. Yes, this means you can begin your scuba certification at home and complete training in Fiji. Click HERE to learn how.
A $300 deposit is needed to hold your place on this trip. Payment in full is needed March 1, 2011.
Please contact Mark Fischer, HydroSports Dive and Travel, 503-304-5383, with questions.
HydroSports Travel Information Page
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