Monday, 25 August 2008

What is High Definition Video? or What is HDV?


What is High Definition Video? or What is HDV?

By Sy Harris

When choosing an HDV camera you’ll notice the HDV format comes in a variety of resolutions, scan modes and frame rates. Understanding what these designations mean however, can be very confusing. For instance, the Sony FX1 shoots in 1080i or 1920x1080 60i, where the JVC GR1 shoots in 720p or 1280x720 24p. Both are considered HDV, but how are they different? What is 720p? What is 60i?

To be considered HD, video must follow certain criteria. It must have a 16:9 aspect ratio, varying frame rates, and resolutions of 1080 or 720 horizontal lines. The chart below breaks down these constraints and will show you the main variations of the HDV format."

Read the whole article:

What is High Definition Video? or What is HDV?

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