Monday, 20 October 2008

As an eco-operator, we will…

As an eco-operator, we will…

As an eco-operator, we will…
Ecooperator sun Provide dive experiences that enhance visitor awareness, appreciation and understanding of the local aquatic environment.
Ecooperator moon Use recycled products whenever possible.
Ecooperator sun Participate in local conservation efforts and support established parks and reserves.
Ecooperator moon Not sell items made from endangered species, threatened species, corals or tropical hardwoods.
Ecooperator sun Respect local people, culture and traditions while abiding by local laws and regulations.
Ecooperator moon Provide pre-dive briefings on responsible dive practices such as:
Ecooperator sun Proper buoyancy control
Ecooperator sunSecuring equipment and streamlining body position
Ecooperator sunMaintaining distance from sensitive environments
Ecooperator sunNot touching or chasing animals
Ecooperator sunAbiding by all fish and game regulations
Ecooperator moon Use mooring buoys or drift diving techniques whenever possible to avoid damage to underwater habitat.
Ecooperator sun Offer Project AWARE specialty courses that teach customers about ecology and conservation.
Ecooperator moon Practice buoyancy control skills in a pool or sandy area before swimming near a coral reef or any sensitive environment. Make sure your equipment is secured, you’re weighted properly and be careful not to touch, stand on
or collect coral.
Ecooperator sun Display environmental public awareness materials and provide community involvement opportunities.
Ecooperator moon Use environmentally sound methods of rubbish disposal.

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